4 to 5 years
At Chatterbox we want the best for your child. Our speech therapists and speech pathologists are kind and caring. They are passionate about working with children and helping your child to realise their true potential – with 5 clinics across Sydney in Rosehill, Bella Vista, Oran Park, Kingswood and Penrith.
Our speech pathology clinics provide a warm friendly environment where your child’s needs will be supported and their gains will be celebrated. All of our Speech Pathologists and speech therapists share a passion for working with children and families to best support their learning goals.
Receptive Language
- Understand time concepts such as “morning/afternoon”, “yesterday/tomorrow”, “before/after”, “now/later”
- Understands and responds to “when” questions
- By 6yrs of age knows “right” from “left”
Expressive Language
- Using all pronouns correctly (“he/she”, “his/her”, “himself/herself”, “me”, “mine”, “I” etc)
- Names days of the week in order
- Tells a long story maintaining theme and sequence
- Grammar is mostly correct
- By 6yrs of age able to identify and label a number of alphabet letters
- Can Identify similarities and differences in objects
Gard, A. Gilman, L. Gorman, J. (1993). Speech and Language Development Chart (2nd ed.). Austin, Texas: Pro-ed Owens, R.E. (2001) Language Development: An Introduction (5th Ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Paul, R. (2001). Language Disorders from Infancy through Adolescence: Assessment and Intervention(2nd Ed.). St Louis, Missouri: Mosby, Inc. Reynell, J. & Gruber, C. (1990). Reynell Development Language Scales. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services. Zimmeramn, I.L. Steiner, V.G. & Pond, R.E. (2002). Preschool Language Scale – Fourth Edition – Australian Language Adaptation (PLS-4). San Antonio: The Psychological Corporation.